4432100 more than just a random number


Return to where you came

or join us at Tesseractor.us


This is for amusement and nerds with such interest.


This site is as the Tesseractor site aspires, no adds no outside distraction.


There appear below several clones of similar design.


These sites are meant as an example of the future of data control and eventual remote control of the Tesseractor building and interaction when after construction.


Investigate if you must any of the 44 type sites. Soon or eventually this should become an HTML5 program and Android mobile application with which you choose to enter your own data on the clone which will serve as a filing system with which organization of all of your personal data can be found stored encrypted and shared only when you are ready.


Start Here-press the F11 key to maximize your internet browser (window), if you're a geek at all then you know that...

This could use a bit send out the clones


Don’t Panic - Customer Service

44 Site: 4432100

441 Site Navigation, site structure, and organization

442 Site Communication

4421 EMAIL free reminder with updates and more information

4422 We would love to hear from you, consider the SURVEY and provide valuable feedback  

443 Closed - Membership required


Tesseractor - Tesseract House

TH Site: Tesseract House

TH1 Community text this needs to show it in imagined use

TH2 text this part should be for the activities and available functions

TH3 text the time machine and a building built for more invention


Business - join us

WE Site: World Engineering

WE1 empty

WE2 empty

WE3 Membership $ WE31


Tesseractor Close to the home

ME Site: Maine World Engineering

ME1 empty

ME2 empty

ME3 Closed - Membership required


Me - My Influences and references

JT Site: J Thompson

JT1 - short autobiography (Biography if someone knows enough) personal preferences (personality) cultural references

JT1 Text needs a review to maintain posted

JT2 Closed - Membership required

JT3 Closed - Membership required


Fun - as it develops - what's possible

HL Site: Hot Lava

HL1 empty

HL2 empty

HL3 Closed - Membership required


Global Science - Sol, Luna and Earth the relationship in time and space

TT Site: The Theory of Everything

TT1 empty

TT2 empty

TT3 Closed - Membership required


Build Geometry - Utility Patent - Environmental integration through geometry

SH Site: Sol House

SH1 empty

SH2 empty

SH3 Closed - Membership required


Pictures - Camera work by device and chronology

VS Site: Visible Spectrum

VS1 empty

VS2 empty

VS3 Closed - Membership required


Thanks for your time, go exploring.


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